William David, son of Christopher and Naomi Widman of Sioux City, IA, was born 7:18 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2, in his home, weighing 8 pounds and measuring 21.25 inches. He is the couple's first child.
Certified nurse midwife Belinda Lassen of Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center provided the prenatal care for the family during the pregnancy. Certified nurse midwife Pam Hulstein and nurse Kari Ney of Promise assisted with the home birth.
"Working with the midwives was fantastic. They were very knowledgeable, very comforting," Naomi said. "The home birth was a phenomenal experience. Having Kari and Pam there and being in our own element, being comfortable and being able to move about was more comforting than being confined to a hospital room. It was all so natural."
Promise Community Health Center of Sioux Center is the only Federally Qualified Health Center serving the far northwest corner of Iowa — and beyond. To learn more about Promise's midwifery team and prenatal services, visit www.promisechc.org/services/prenatal.aspx. For more tips and advice on various topics from Promise's midwifery team and baby announcements, visit promisechcmidwives.blogspot.com.